Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rules & Marking Criteria for Events

Solo Dance

  • Time Limit - 8 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
  1. Costume & Makeup
  2. Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of  props but not the number of props.)
  3. Dance Quality
  4. Expression

Duet Song

  • Time Limit - 8 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
  1. Costume & Makeup
  2. Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of  props but not the number of props.)
  3. Dance Quality
  4. Expression


Solo Song

  • Time Limit - 8 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 Marks Each)
  1. Song Selection
  2. Performance
  3. Voice Clarity & Quality


Duet Dance

  • Time Limit - 8 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
  1. Costume & Makeup
  2. Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of props but not the number of props.)
  3. Dance Quality
  4. Expression
  5. Synchronization & chemistry

Group Dance

  • Time Limit - 10 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Minimum 4 participants must be in a group.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
  1. Costume & Makeup
  2.  Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of props but not the number of props.)
  3. Dance Quality
  4. Synchronization
  5. Theme / Performance 


    • Time Limit - 10 minute.
    • There can be maximum 2 scenes.
    • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
    • No limit for number of participants.
    • No Volunteers required / allowed on the stage at the time of performance. 
    • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
    1. Costume & Makeup
    2. Expression
    3. Theme
    4. Dialogue Delivery
    5. Presentaion


    • There will be two rounds.
    • 1st round would be Introduction.
    • 2nd round would be Question answer.
    • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
    1. Ramp Walk
    2. Expression
    3. Attire
    4. Introduction
    5. Question Answer

    Final Year Performance

    • Time Limit - 10 + 2(Arrangement) minute.
    • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
    • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
    1. Costume & Makeup
    2. Theme
    3.  Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of props but not the number of props.)
    4. Performance (Depending upon Acts).

    Global Rules

    Global Rules for Horizon 2K14

    • M.Tech and Diploma Students will be included in their own branches. 
    •  If the department fails to give the finalist name before the scheduled dates (20, 21 & 22 March 2014) They will be disqualified for the respective event.  
    • No Student will be allowed to enter auditorium without ID CARD.  
    • All the participants should be present 1 hr. before their performance on backstage along with their departmental faculty coordinator.
    • Any surprise act / any objectionable comments will not be permissible on stage.
    • Judges will be from outside of this institution.
    • HODs should strictly instruct students to keep in mind the maximum time allotted for each program and finish it on time. Otherwise minus marking will be rewarded & timer will be displayed on projector.
    • Programs and Contents should be strictly scanned at department level.
    • Please treat "Final year reflection" as "Final year performance".
    • Please send all the requisitions regarding costumes, props, stage preparations (table, chairs etc.) on or before 23 March 2014.No such requirements would be fulfilled after this date.

    Saturday, March 15, 2014

    Dates and Events

    Horizon is decided to be organized on 27, 28 & 29 March 2014 at VITS College, Satna.

    List of Events :

    • Solo song 
    • Duet Song
    • Solo Dance
    • Duet Dance
    • Group Dance
    • Drama
    • Modelling
    • Final year performance

    HORIZON 2014

    It is an official blog from the team of Horizon 2014 (VITS, Satna).