Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rules & Marking Criteria for Events

Solo Dance

  • Time Limit - 8 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
  1. Costume & Makeup
  2. Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of  props but not the number of props.)
  3. Dance Quality
  4. Expression

Duet Song

  • Time Limit - 8 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
  1. Costume & Makeup
  2. Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of  props but not the number of props.)
  3. Dance Quality
  4. Expression


Solo Song

  • Time Limit - 8 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 Marks Each)
  1. Song Selection
  2. Performance
  3. Voice Clarity & Quality


Duet Dance

  • Time Limit - 8 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
  1. Costume & Makeup
  2. Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of props but not the number of props.)
  3. Dance Quality
  4. Expression
  5. Synchronization & chemistry

Group Dance

  • Time Limit - 10 minute.
  • No boundations for song choice.
  • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
  • Minimum 4 participants must be in a group.
  • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
  1. Costume & Makeup
  2.  Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of props but not the number of props.)
  3. Dance Quality
  4. Synchronization
  5. Theme / Performance 


    • Time Limit - 10 minute.
    • There can be maximum 2 scenes.
    • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
    • No limit for number of participants.
    • No Volunteers required / allowed on the stage at the time of performance. 
    • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
    1. Costume & Makeup
    2. Expression
    3. Theme
    4. Dialogue Delivery
    5. Presentaion


    • There will be two rounds.
    • 1st round would be Introduction.
    • 2nd round would be Question answer.
    • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
    1. Ramp Walk
    2. Expression
    3. Attire
    4. Introduction
    5. Question Answer

    Final Year Performance

    • Time Limit - 10 + 2(Arrangement) minute.
    • Timer will be displayed on the projector at the time of performance.
    • Marking Criteria : (10 marks each)
    1. Costume & Makeup
    2. Theme
    3.  Props Usage (This refers only to the usage of props but not the number of props.)
    4. Performance (Depending upon Acts).

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